+, -, *, /, ^ , Div, Mod , Gcd , Lcm , <<, >> , FromBase, ToBase , Precision , GetPrecision , N , Rationalize , IsPrime , IsComposite , IsCoprime , IsSquareFree , IsPrimePower , NextPrime , IsTwinPrime , IsIrregularPrime , IsCarmichaelNumber , Factors , IsAmicablePair , Factor , Divisors , DivisorsSum , ProperDivisors , ProperDivisorsSum , Moebius , CatalanNumber , FermatNumber , HarmonicNumber , StirlingNumber1 , StirlingNumber2 , IntLog , IntNthRoot , PAdicExpand , ContFrac , ContFracList, ContFracEval , GuessRational, NearRational , Decimal , TruncRadian , Floor , Ceil , Round , Pslq .

Arithmetic and other operations on numbers

Besides the usual arithmetical operations, Yacas defines some more advanced operations on numbers. Many of them also work on polynomials.

+, -, *, /, ^ arithmetic operations
Div, Mod division with remainder
Gcd greatest common divisor
Lcm least common multiple
<<, >> shift operators
FromBase, ToBase conversion from/to non-decimal base
Precision set the precision
GetPrecision get the current precision
N compute numerical approximation
Rationalize convert floating point numbers to fractions
IsPrime test for a prime number
IsComposite test for a composite number
IsCoprime test if integers are coprime
IsSquareFree test for a square free number
IsPrimePower test for a power of a prime number
NextPrime generate a prime following a number
IsTwinPrime test for a twin prime
IsIrregularPrime test for an irregular prime
IsCarmichaelNumber test for a Carmichael number
Factors factorization
IsAmicablePair test for a pair of amicable numbers
Factor factorization, in pretty form
Divisors number of divisors
DivisorsSum the sum of divisors
ProperDivisors the number of proper divisors
ProperDivisorsSum the sum of proper divisors
Moebius the Moebius function
CatalanNumber return the nth Catalan Number
FermatNumber return the nth Fermat Number
HarmonicNumber return the nth Harmonic Number
StirlingNumber1 return the n,mth Stirling Number of the first kind
StirlingNumber2 return the n,mth Stirling Number of the second kind
IntLog integer part of logarithm
IntNthRoot integer part of n-th root
PAdicExpand p-adic expansion
ContFrac continued fraction expansion
ContFracList, ContFracEval manipulate continued fractions
GuessRational, NearRational find optimal rational approximations
Decimal decimal representation of a rational
TruncRadian remainder modulo 2*Pi
Floor round a number downwards
Ceil round a number upwards
Round round a number to the nearest integer
Pslq search for integer relations between reals

+, -, *, /, ^ -- arithmetic operations

Standard library
Calling format:
x+y  (precedence 6)
x-y  (precedence 5)
x*y  (precedence 3)
x/y  (precedence 3)
x^y  (precedence 2)

x and y -- objects for which arithmetic operations are defined

These are the basic arithmetic operations. They can work on integers, rational numbers, complex numbers, vectors, matrices and lists.

These operators are implemented in the standard math library (as opposed to being built-in). This means that they can be extended by the user.

In> 2+3
Out> 5;
In> 2*3
Out> 6;

Div, Mod -- division with remainder

Standard library
Calling format:

x, y -- integers or univariate polynomials

Div performs integer division and Mod returns the remainder after division. Div and Mod are also defined for polynomials.

If Div(x,y) returns "a" and Mod(x,y) equals "b", then these numbers satisfy x=a*y+b and 0<=b<y.

In> Div(5,3)
Out> 1;
In> Mod(5,3)
Out> 2;

See also:
Gcd , Lcm .

Gcd -- greatest common divisor

Standard library
Calling format:

n, m -- integers or Gaussian integers or univariate polynomials

list -- a list of all integers or all univariate polynomials

This function returns the greatest common divisor of "n" and "m". The gcd is the largest number that divides "n" and "m". It is also known as the highest common factor (hcf). The library code calls MathGcd, which is an internal function. This function implements the "binary Euclidean algorithm" for determining the greatest common divisor:

Routine for calculating Gcd(n,m)

This is a rather fast algorithm on computers that can efficiently shift integers. When factoring Gaussian integers, a slower recursive algorithm is used.

If the second calling form is used, Gcd will return the greatest common divisor of all the integers or polynomials in "list". It uses the identity


In> Gcd(55,10)
Out> 5;
In> Gcd({60,24,120})
Out> 12;
In> Gcd( 7300 + 12*I, 2700 + 100*I)
Out> Complex(-4,4);

See also:
Lcm .

Lcm -- least common multiple

Standard library
Calling format:

n, m -- integers or univariate polynomials list -- list of integers

This command returns the least common multiple of "n" and "m" or all of the integers in the list list. The least common multiple of two numbers "n" and "m" is the lowest number which is an integer multiple of both "n" and "m". It is calculated with the formula


This means it also works on polynomials, since Div, Gcd and multiplication are also defined for them.

In> Lcm(60,24)
Out> 120;
In> Lcm({3,5,7,9})
Out> 315;

See also:
Gcd .

<<, >> -- shift operators

Standard library
Calling format:

n, m -- integers

These operators shift integers to the left or to the right. They are similar to the C shift operators. These are sign-extended shifts, so they act as multiplication or division by powers of 2.

In> 1 << 10
Out> 1024;
In> -1024 >> 10
Out> -1;

FromBase, ToBase -- conversion from/to non-decimal base

Internal function
Calling format:

base -- integer, base to write the numbers in

number -- integer, number to write out in the base representation

FromBase converts "number", written in base "base", to base 10. ToBase converts "number", written in base 10, to base "base".

These functions use the p-adic expansion capabilities of the built-in arbitrary precision math libraries.

In> FromBase(2,111111)
Out> 63;
In> ToBase(16,255)
Out> ff;

The first command writes the binary number 111111 in decimal base. The second command converts 255 (in decimal base) to hexadecimal base.

See also:
PAdicExpand .

Precision -- set the precision

Internal function
Calling format:

n -- integer, new precision

This command sets the number of binary digits to be used in calculations. All subsequent floating point operations will allow for at least n digits after the decimal point.

When the precision is changed, all variables containing previosly calculated values remain unchanged. The Precision function only makes all further calculations proceed with a different precision.

In> Precision(10)
Out> True;
In> N(Sin(1))
Out> 0.8414709848;
In> Precision(20)
Out> True;
In> x:=N(Sin(1))
Out> 0.84147098480789650665;
In> GetPrecision()
Out> 20;
In> [ Precision(10); x; ]
Out> 0.84147098480789650665;
In> x+0
Out> 0.8414709848;

See also:
GetPrecision , N .

GetPrecision -- get the current precision

Internal function
Calling format:

This command returns the current precision, as set by Precision.

In> GetPrecision();
Out> 10;
In> Precision(20);
Out> True;
In> GetPrecision();
Out> 20;

See also:
Precision , N .

N -- compute numerical approximation

Standard library
Calling format:
N(expr, prec)

expr -- expression to evaluate

prec -- integer, precision to use

This function forces Yacas to give a numerical approximation to the expression "expr", using "prec" digits if the second calling sequence is used, and the precision as set by SetPrecision otherwise. This overrides the normal behaviour, in which expressions are kept in symbolic form (eg. Sqrt(2) instead of 1.41421).

Application of the N operator will make Yacas calculate floating point representations of functions whenever possible. In addition, the variable Pi is bound to the value of Pi calculated at the current precision. (This value is a "cached constant", so it is not recalculated each time N is used, unless the precision is increased.)

In> 1/2
Out> 1/2;
In> N(1/2)
Out> 0.5;
In> Sin(1)
Out> Sin(1);
In> N(Sin(1),10)
Out> 0.8414709848;
In> Pi
Out> Pi;
In> N(Pi,20)
Out> 3.14159265358979323846;

See also:
Precision , GetPrecision , Pi , CachedConstant .

Rationalize -- convert floating point numbers to fractions

Standard library
Calling format:

expr -- an expression containing real numbers

This command converts every real number in the expression "expr" into a rational number. This is useful when a calculation needs to be done on floating point numbers and the algorithm is unstable. Converting the floating point numbers to rational numbers will force calculations to be done with infinite precision (by using rational numbers as representations).

It does this by finding the smallest integer n such that multiplying the number with 10^n is an integer. Then it divides by 10^n again, depending on the internal gcd calculation to reduce the resulting division of integers.

In> {1.2,3.123,4.5}
Out> {1.2,3.123,4.5};
In> Rationalize(%)
Out> {6/5,3123/1000,9/2};

See also:
IsRational .

IsPrime -- test for a prime number

Standard library
Calling format:

n -- integer to test

This command checks whether "n", which should be a positive integer, is a prime number. A number is a prime number if it is only divisible by 1 and itself. As a special case, 1 is not a prime number.

This function essentially checks for all integers between 2 and the square root of "n" whether they divide "n", and hence may take a long time for large numbers.

In> IsPrime(1)
Out> False;
In> IsPrime(2)
Out> True;
In> IsPrime(10)
Out> False;
In> IsPrime(23)
Out> True;
In> Select("IsPrime", 1 .. 100)
Out> {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,

See also:
IsPrimePower , Factors .

IsComposite -- test for a composite number

Standard library
Calling format:

n -- positive integer

This function is the logical negation of IsPrime, except for the number 1, which is neither prime nor composite.

In> IsComposite(1)
Out> False;
In> IsComposite(7)
Out> False;
In> IsComposite(8)
Out> True;
In> Select(IsComposite,1...20)
Out> {4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20};

See also:
IsPrime .

IsCoprime -- test if integers are coprime

Standard library
Calling format:
m,n -- positive integers

list -- list of positive integers

This function returns True if the given pair or list of integers are coprime, also called relatively prime. A pair or list of numbers are coprime if they share no common factors.

In> IsCoprime({3,4,5,8})
Out> False;
In> IsCoprime(15,17)
Out> True;

See also:
Prime .

IsSquareFree -- test for a square free number

Standard library
Calling format:

n -- positive integer

This function uses the Moebius function to tell if the given number is square free, which means it has distinct prime factors. If Mobius(n)!=0, then n is square free. All prime numbers are trivially square free.

In> IsSquareFree(37)
Out> True;
In> IsSquareFree(4)
Out> False;
In> IsSquareFree(16)
Out> False;
In> IsSquareFree(18)
Out> False;

See also:
Moebius .

IsPrimePower -- test for a power of a prime number

Standard library
Calling format:

n -- integer to test

This command tests whether "n", which should be a positive integer, is a prime power, that is whether it is of the form p^m, with "p" prime and "m" an integer.

This function essentially checks for all integers between 2 and the square root of "n" for the largest divisor, and then tests whether "n" is a power of this divisor. So it will take a long time for large numbers.

In> IsPrimePower(9)
Out> True;
In> IsPrimePower(10)
Out> False;
In> Select("IsPrimePower", 1 .. 50)
Out> {2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,13,16,17,19,23,25,27,

See also:
IsPrime , Factors .

NextPrime -- generate a prime following a number

Standard library
Calling format:

i -- integer value

The function finds the smallest prime number that is greater than the given integer value.

The routine generates "candidate numbers" using the formula n+2*Mod(-n,3) where n is an odd number (this generates the sequence 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ...) and IsPrime() to test whether the next candidate number is in fact prime.

In> NextPrime(5)
Out> 7;

See also:
IsPrime .

IsTwinPrime -- test for a twin prime

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

This function returns True if n is a twin prime. By definition, a twin prime is a prime number n such that n+2 is also a prime number.

In> IsTwinPrime(101)
Out> True;
In> IsTwinPrime(7)
Out> False;
In> Select(IsTwinPrime, 1...100)
Out> {3,5,11,17,29,41,59,71};

See also:
IsPrime .

IsIrregularPrime -- test for an irregular prime

Standard library
Calling format:

n -- positive integer

This function returns True if n is an irregular prime. A prime number n is irregular if and only if n divides the numerator of a Bernoulli number B[2*i], where 2*i+1<n. Small irregular primes are quite rare; the only irregular primes under 100 are 37, 59 and 67. Asymptotically, roughly 40% of primes are irregular.

In> IsIrregularPrime(5)
Out> False;
In> Select(IsIrregularPrime,1...100)
Out> {37,59,67};

See also:
IsPrime .

IsCarmichaelNumber -- test for a Carmichael number

Standard library
Calling format:

n -- positive integer

This fuction returns True if n is a Carmichael number, also called an absolute pseudoprime. They have the property that b^(n-1)%n==1 for all b satisfying Gcd(b,n)==1. These numbers cannot be proved composite by Fermat's little theorem. Because the previous property is extremely slow to test, the following equivalent property is tested by Yacas: for all prime factors p[i] of n, (n-1)%(p[i]-1)==0 and n must be square free. Also, Carmichael numbers must be odd and have at least three prime factors. Although these numbers are rare (there are only 43 that are less than a million), it has recently been proven that there are infinitely many of them.

In> IsCarmichaelNumber(561)
Out> True;
In> Time(Select(IsCarmichaelNumber,1 .. 10000))
504.19 seconds taken
Out> {561,1105,1729,2465,2821,6601,8911};

See also:
IsSquareFree , IsComposite .

Factors -- factorization

Standard library
Calling format:

x -- integer or univariate polynomial

This function decomposes the integer number x into a product of numbers. Alternatively, if x is a univariate polynomial, it is decomposed in irreducible polynomials.

The factorization is returned as a list of pairs. The first member of each pair is the factor, while the second member denotes the power to which this factor should be raised. So the factorization x=p1^n1*...*p9^n9 is returned as {{p1,n1}, ..., {p9,n9}}.

In> Factors(24);
Out> {{2,3},{3,1}};
In> Factors(2*x^3 + 3*x^2 - 1);
Out> {{2,1},{x+1,2},{x-1/2,1}};

See also:
Factor , IsPrime .

IsAmicablePair -- test for a pair of amicable numbers

Standard library
Calling format:

m, n -- positive integers

This function tests if a pair of numbers are amicable. A pair of numbers m, n has this property if the sum of the proper divisors of m is n and the sum of the proper divisors of n is m.

In> IsAmicablePair(200958394875, 209194708485 )
Out> True;
In> IsAmicablePair(220, 284)
Out> True;

See also:
ProperDivisorsSum .

Factor -- factorization, in pretty form

Standard library
Calling format:

x -- integer or univariate polynomial

This function factorizes "x", similarly to Factors, but it shows the result in a nicer human readable format.

In> PrettyForm(Factor(24));

2  * 3

Out> True;
In> PrettyForm(Factor(2*x^3 + 3*x^2 - 1));

             2   /     1 \
2 * ( x + 1 )  * | x - - |
                 \     2 /

Out> True;

See also:
Factors , IsPrime , PrettyForm .

Divisors -- number of divisors

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

Divisors returns the number of positive divisors of a number. A number is prime if and only if it has two divisors, 1 and itself.

In> Divisors(180)
Out> 18;
In> Divisors(37)
Out> 2;

See also:
DivisorsSum , ProperDivisors , ProperDivisorsSum , Moebius .

DivisorsSum -- the sum of divisors

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

DivisorsSum returns the sum all numbers that divide it. A number n is prime if and only if the sum of its divisors are n+1.

In> DivisorsSum(180)
Out> 546;
In> DivisorsSum(37)
Out> 38;

See also:
DivisorsSum , ProperDivisors , ProperDivisorsSum , Moebius .

ProperDivisors -- the number of proper divisors

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

ProperDivisors returns the number of proper divisors, i.e Divisors(n)-1, since n is not counted. An integer n is prime if and only if it has 1 proper divisor.

In> ProperDivisors(180)
Out> 17;
In> ProperDivisors(37)
Out> 1;

See also:
DivisorsSum , ProperDivisors , ProperDivisorsSum , Moebius .

ProperDivisorsSum -- the sum of proper divisors

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

ProperDivisorsSum returns the sum of proper divisors, i.e. ProperDivisors(n)-n, since n is not counted. n is prime if and only if ProperDivisorsSum(n)==1.

In> ProperDivisorsSum(180)
Out> 366;
In> ProperDivisorsSum(37)
Out> 1;

See also:
DivisorsSum , ProperDivisors , ProperDivisorsSum , Moebius .

Moebius -- the Moebius function

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

The Moebius function is 0 when a prime factor is repeated (which means it is not square-free) and is (-1)^r if n has r distinct factors. Also, Moebius(1)==1.

In> Moebius(10)
Out> 1;
In> Moebius(11)
Out> -1;
In> Moebius(12)
Out> 0;
In> Moebius(13)
Out> -1;

See also:
DivisorsSum , ProperDivisors , ProperDivisorsSum , Moebius .

CatalanNumber -- return the nth Catalan Number

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

This function returns the n-th Catalan number, defined as Bin(2*n,n)/(n+1).

In> CatalanNumber(10)
Out> 16796;
In> CatalanNumber(5)
Out> 42;

See also:
Bin .

FermatNumber -- return the nth Fermat Number

Standard library
Calling format:
n -- positive integer

This function returns the n-th Fermat number, which is defined as 2^2^n+1.

In> FermatNumber(7)
Out> 340282366920938463463374607431768211457;

See also:
Factor .

HarmonicNumber -- return the nth Harmonic Number

Standard library
Calling format:
n, r -- positive integers

This function returns the n-th Harmonic number, which is defined as Sum(k,1,n,1/k). If given a second argument, the Harmonic number of order r is returned, which is defined as Sum(k,1,n,k^(-r)).

In> HarmonicNumber(10)
Out> 7381/2520;
In> HarmonicNumber(15)
Out> 1195757/360360;
In> HarmonicNumber(1)
Out> 1;
In> HarmonicNumber(4,3)
Out> 2035/1728;

See also:
Sum .

StirlingNumber1 -- return the n,mth Stirling Number of the first kind

Standard library
Calling format:
n, m -- positive integers

This function returns the signed Stirling Number of the first kind. All Stirling Numbers are integers. If m>n, then StirlingNumber1 returns 0.

In> StirlingNumber1(10,5)
Out> -269325;
In> StirlingNumber1(3,6)
Out> 0;

See also:
StirlingNumber2 .

StirlingNumber2 -- return the n,mth Stirling Number of the second kind

Standard library
Calling format:
n, m -- positive integers

This function returns the Stirling Number of the second kind. All Stirling Numbers are positive integers. If m>n, then StirlingNumber2 returns 0.

In> StirlingNumber2(3,6)
Out> 0;
In> StirlingNumber2(10,4)
Out> 34105;

See also:
StirlingNumber1 .

IntLog -- integer part of logarithm

Standard library
Calling format:
IntLog(n, base)

n, base -- positive integers

IntLog calculates the integer part of the logarithm of n in base base. The algorithm uses only integer math and may be faster than computing


with multiple precision floating-point math and rounding off to get the integer part.

This function can also be used to quickly count the digits in a given number.

Count the number of bits:
In> IntLog(257^8, 2)
Out> 64;

Count the number of decimal digits:
In> IntLog(321^321, 10)
Out> 804;

See also:
IntNthRoot , Div , Mod , Ln .

IntNthRoot -- integer part of n-th root

Standard library
Calling format:
IntNthRoot(x, n)

x, n -- positive integers

IntNthRoot calculates the integer part of the n-th root of x. The algorithm uses only integer math and may be faster than computing x^(1/n) with floating-point and rounding.

This function is used to test numbers for prime powers.

In> IntNthRoot(65537^111, 37)
Out> 281487861809153;

See also:
IntLog , MathPower , IsPrimePower .

PAdicExpand -- p-adic expansion

Standard library
Calling format:
PAdicExpand(n, p)

n -- number or polynomial to expand

p -- base to expand in

This command computes the p-adic expansion of "n". In other words, "n" is expanded in powers of "p". The argument "n" can be either an integer or a univariate polynomial. The base "p" should be of the same type.

In> PrettyForm(PAdicExpand(1234, 10));

               2     3
3 * 10 + 2 * 10  + 10  + 4

Out> True;
In> PrettyForm(PAdicExpand(x^3, x-1));

                             2            3
3 * ( x - 1 ) + 3 * ( x - 1 )  + ( x - 1 )  + 1

Out> True;

See also:
Mod , ContFrac , FromBase , ToBase .

ContFrac -- continued fraction expansion

Standard library
Calling format:
ContFrac(x, depth)

x -- number or polynomial to expand in continued fractions

depth -- integer, maximum required depth of result

This command returns the continued fraction expansion of x, which should be either a floating point number or a polynomial. If depth is not specified, it defaults to 6. The remainder is denoted by rest.

This is especially useful for polynomials, since series expansions that converge slowly will typically converge a lot faster if calculated using a continued fraction expansion.

In> PrettyForm(ContFrac(N(Pi)))

--------------------------- + 3
----------------------- + 7
------------------ + 15
-------------- + 1
-------- + 292
rest + 1

Out> True;
In> PrettyForm(ContFrac(x^2+x+1, 3))

---------------- + 1
1 - ------------
    -------- + 1
    rest + 1

Out> True;

See also:
ContFracList , NearRational , GuessRational , PAdicExpand , N .

ContFracList, ContFracEval -- manipulate continued fractions

Standard library
Calling format:
ContFracList(frac, depth)
ContFracEval(list, rest)

frac -- a number to be expanded

depth -- desired number of terms

list -- a list of coefficients

rest -- expression to put at the end of the continued fraction

The function ContFracList computes terms of the continued fraction representation of a rational number frac. It returns a list of terms of length depth. If depth is not specified, it returns all terms.

The function ContFracEval converts a list of coefficients into a continued fraction expression. The optional parameter rest specifies the symbol to put at the end of the expansion. If it is not given, the result is the same as if rest=0.

In> A:=ContFracList(33/7 + 0.000001)
Out> {4,1,2,1,1,20409,2,1,13,2,1,4,1,1,3,3,2};
In> ContFracEval(Take(A, 5))
Out> 33/7;
In> ContFracEval(Take(A,3), remainder)
Out> 1/(1/(remainder+2)+1)+4;

See also:
ContFrac , GuessRational .

GuessRational, NearRational -- find optimal rational approximations

Standard library
Calling format:
GuessRational(x, digits)
NearRational(x, digits)

x -- a number to be approximated

digits -- desired number of decimal digits

The functions GuessRational(x) and NearRational(x) attempt to find "optimal" rational approximations to a given value x. The approximations are "optimal" in the sense of having smallest numerators and denominators among all rational numbers close to x. This is done by computing a continued fraction representation of x and truncating it at a suitably chosen term. Both functions return a rational number which is an approximation of x.

Unlike the function Rationalize() which converts floating-point numbers to rationals without loss of precision, the functions GuessRational() and NearRational() are intended to find the best rational that is approximately equal to a given value.

The function GuessRational() is useful if you have obtained a floating-point representation of a rational number and you know approximately how many digits its exact representation should contain. This function takes an optional second parameter digits which limits the number of decimal digits in the denominator of the resulting rational number. If this parameter is not given, it defaults to half the current precision. This function truncates the continuous fraction expansion when it encounters an unusually large value (see example). This procedure does not always give the "correct" rational number; a rule of thumb is that the floating-point number should have at least as many digits as the combined number of digits in the numerator and the denominator of the correct rational number.

The function NearRational(x) is useful if one needs to approximate a given value, i.e. to find an "optimal" rational number that lies in a certain small interval around a certain value x. This function takes an optional second parameter digits which has slightly different meaning: it specifies the number of digits of precision of the approximation; in other words, the difference between x and the resulting rational number should be at most one digit of that precision. The parameter digits also defaults to half of the current precision.

Start with a rational number and obtain a floating-point approximation:
In> x:=N(956/1013)
Out> 0.9437314906
In> Rationalize(x)
Out> 4718657453/5000000000;
In> V(GuessRational(x))
GuessRational: using 10 terms of the
  continued fraction
Out> 956/1013;
In> ContFracList(x)
Out> {0,1,16,1,3,2,1,1,1,1,508848,3,1,2,1,2,2};
The first 10 terms of this continued fraction correspond to the correct continued fraction for the original rational number.
In> NearRational(x)
Out> 218/231;
This function found a different rational number closeby because the precision was not high enough.
In> NearRational(x, 10)
Out> 956/1013;

See also:
ContFrac , ContFracList , Rationalize .

Decimal -- decimal representation of a rational

Standard library
Calling format:

frac -- a rational number

This function returns the infinite decimal representation of a rational number frac. It returns a list, with the first element being the number before the decimal point and the last element the sequence of digits that will repeat forever. All the intermediate list elements are the initial digits before the period sets in.

In> Decimal(1/22)
Out> {0,0,{4,5}};
In> N(1/22,30)
Out> 0.045454545454545454545454545454;

See also:
N .

TruncRadian -- remainder modulo 2*Pi

Standard library
Calling format:

r -- a number

TruncRadian calculates Mod(r,2*Pi), returning a value between 0 and 2*Pi. This function is used in the trigonometry functions, just before doing a numerical calculation using a Taylor series. It greatly speeds up the calculation if the value passed is a large number.

The library uses the formula


where r and 2*Pi are calculated with twice the precision used in the environment to make sure there is no rounding error in the significant digits.

In> 2*Pi()
Out> 6.283185307;
In> TruncRadian(6.28)
Out> 6.28;
In> TruncRadian(6.29)
Out> 0.0068146929;

See also:
Sin , Cos , Tan .

Floor -- round a number downwards

Standard library
Calling format:

x -- a number

This function returns Floor(x), the largest integer smaller than or equal to x.

In> Floor(1.1)
Out> 1;
In> Floor(-1.1)
Out> -2;

See also:
Ceil , Round .

Ceil -- round a number upwards

Standard library
Calling format:

x -- a number

This function returns Ceil(x), the smallest integer larger than or equal to x.

In> Ceil(1.1)
Out> 2;
In> Ceil(-1.1)
Out> -1;

See also:
Floor , Round .

Round -- round a number to the nearest integer

Standard library
Calling format:

x -- a number

This function returns the integer closest to x. Half-integers (i.e. numbers of the form n+0.5, with n an integer) are rounded upwards.

In> Round(1.49)
Out> 1;
In> Round(1.51)
Out> 2;
In> Round(-1.49)
Out> -1;
In> Round(-1.51)
Out> -2;

See also:
Floor , Ceil .

Pslq -- search for integer relations between reals

Standard library
Calling format:

xlist -- list of numbers

precision -- required number of digits precision of calculation

This function is an integer relation detection algorithm. This means that, given the numbers x[i] in the list "xlist", it tries to find integer coefficients a[i] such that a[1]*x[1] + ... + a[n]*x[n]=0. The list of integer coefficients is returned.

The numbers in "xlist" must evaluate to floating point numbers if the N operator is applied on them.

In> Pslq({ 2*Pi+3*Exp(1), Pi, Exp(1) },20)
Out> {1,-2,-3};

Note: in this example the system detects correctly that 1*(2*Pi+3*e)+(-2)*Pi+(-3)*e=0.

See also:
N .