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  1: Introduction
  2: Simple example
  3: Invocation
  4: Finer Control
  5: X-Y Plots
  6: Contour Plots
  7: Image Plots
  8: Examples
  9: Gri Commands
  10: Programming
  11: Environment
  12: Emacs Mode
  13: History
  14: Installation
  15: Gri Bugs
  16: Test Suite
  17: Gri in Press
  18: Acknowledgments
  19: License

index.html#Top index.html#Top Gri: pen color Gri: contour plots index.html#Top Gri: contour plots

5: X-Y Plots

5.1: Linegraphs

The following Gri commands will draw a linegraph. For the output graph (see Getting More Control).

This plots a simple linegraph:

Example 1

# Example 1 -- Linegraph using data in a separate file

open example1.dat # Open the data file read columns x y # Read (x,y) columns draw curve # Draw data curve draw title "Example 1" # Title above plot

Here's what the command lines mean:

  • The first line is a comment. Anything to the right of a hash-mark `#' is considered to be a comment. (This symbol is also called a "pound".)

  • The second line is blank. Gri ignores blank lines between commands.
  • `open example1.dat' tells Gri to open the indicated file (in the current directory) as an input data file. You can specify files outside the current directory by using conventional unix-shell pathnames (e.g., `open ~/data/TS/section1/T_S.dat' or `open ../data/file.dat'). You can even use "synonyms" (see Synonyms.) in filenames, as in `open \BASENAME.dat'.
  • `read columns x y' tells Gri to start reading columnar data, the first column being `x', the second `y'. `x' and `y' are predefined names for whatever ends up on the horizontal and vertical axes.

    The number of data needn't be specified. Gri reads columns until a blank line or end-of-file is found. You can tell Gri how many lines to read with a command like `read columns 10 x y'. Multiple datasets can reside within one file; provided that they are separated by a single blank line, Gri can access them by multiple `read' commands.

    Like C, Gri expects numbers to be separated by one or more spaces or tabs. Commas are not allowed. If the columns were reversed, the command would be `read columns y x'. If there were an initial column of extraneous data, the command would be `read columns * x y', or `read columns x=2 y=3' (see Read Columns).

  • `draw curve' tells Gri to draw a curve connecting the points in the `x' and `y' columns. A nice scale will be selected automatically. (You can change this or any other plot characteristics easily, as you'll see later.)
  • `draw title' tells Gri to write the indicated string centered above the plot. The title must be enclosed in quotes.
  • `quit' tells Gri to exit.

Gri will draw axes automatically, and pick its own scales.

If you wish to draw several curves which cross each other, you should try using `draw curve overlying' instead of `draw curve'. This will make it easier to distinguish the different curves.

5.2: Scattergraphs

This section contains two examples, the first being a fuller explanation of all the bells and whistles, the second being a simple explanation of how to get a very quick plot, given just a file containing a matrix of grid data.

To get a scattergraph with symbols at the data points, substitute `draw symbol' for `draw curve'. Both symbols and a curve result if both `draw curve' and `draw symbols' are used. See see Getting More Control for an example.

By default, the symbol used is an x. To get another symbol, use a command like `draw symbol 0' or `draw symbol plus'.

To change the symbol size from the default of 0.2 cm use commands like `set symbol size 0.1' to set to 1 mm (see Set Symbol Size).

5.2.1: Coding data with symbols

To get different symbols for different data points, insert symbol codes from the above list as a column along with the x-y data, and substitute the command `read columns x y z', and then draw them with `draw symbol'. Gri will interpret the rounded-integer values of the `z' columns as symbol codes. Note that even if you've read in a z column which you intend to represent symbols, it will be overridden if you designate a specific symbol in your `draw symbols' command; thus `draw symbol 0' puts a `+' at the data points whether or not you've read in a symbol column.

5.2.2: Drawing a symbol legend

The following example shows how you might write a symbol legend for a plot. The legend is drawn 1 cm to the right of the right-hand side of the axes, with the bottom of the legend one quarter of the way up the plot; see Draw Symbol Legend. The lines in the legend are double-spaced vertically. To change the location of the legend, alter the `.legend_x. =' and `.legend_y. =' lines. To change the spacing, alter the `.legend_y. +=' line.

set x axis -1 5 1
set y axis -1 5 1
read columns x y z
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3

draw symbol

# Legend .leg_x. = {rpn ..xmargin.. ..xsize.. + 1 +} .leg_y. = {rpn ..ymargin.. ..ysize.. 4 / +} draw symbol legend 0 "Foo" at .leg_x. .leg_y. cm .leg_y. += {rpn "M" ascent 2 *} draw symbol legend 1 "Bar" at .leg_x. .leg_y. cm .leg_y. += {rpn "M" ascent 2 *}

5.2.3: Coding data with symbol colors

To get different colors for different symbols, read a color code into the z column, and do for example `draw symbol bullet color hue z'. The numerical color code ranges from 0 (red) through to 1, passing through green at 1/3 and blue at 2/3.

5.3: Formula Plots

There are two methods for formula graphs.

  1. Use the system yourself. Do as in this example:

    open "awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<3.141;i+=0.05)\
        {print(i,cos(i))}}' |"
    read columns x y
    draw curve

  2. Let Gri calculate things for you

    The simplest is to let Gri calculate things for you with the `create columns from function' command (see Create). The command assumes that you have defined the synonym called `\function' which defines `y' in terms of `x'.

    Gri uses the program `awk' to create the columns, and cannot work without it.

    Here is an example of using `create columns from function':

    show "First 2 terms of perturbation expansion"
    set y axis name horizontal
    set y name "sea-level"
    set x name "$\omega$t"

    \b = "0.4" # perturbation parameter b=dH/H \xmin = "0" \xmax = "6.28" \xinc = "3.14 / 20" \function = "cos(x)" set x axis \xmin \xmax create columns from function draw curve draw title "SOLID LINE \function"

    \function = "(cos(x)+\b/2*(1-cos(2*x)))" create columns from function set dash 1 draw curve draw title "DASHED LINE \function"

    draw title "b = \b"

    Here's another example, in which the curve `y = 1/(\int + \sl*x)' is drawn through some data. Note how `sprintf' is used to set `\xmin' and `\xmax' using the scales that Gri has determined in reading the data.

    read columns x y
    draw symbol bullet
    \int = "-0.1235"
    \sl = "0.003685"
    sprintf \xmin "%f" ..xleft..
    sprintf \xmax "%f" ..xright..
    \function = "1/(\int + x * \sl)"
    create columns from function
    draw curve

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