Chapters: 1: Introduction 2: Simple example 3: Invocation 4: Finer Control 5: X-Y Plots 6: Contour Plots 7: Image Plots 8: Examples 9: Gri Commands 10: Programming 11: Environment 12: Emacs Mode 13: History 14: Installation 15: Gri Bugs 16: Test Suite 17: Gri in Press 18: Acknowledgments 19: License Indices: Concepts Commands Variables |
10.15: Missing dataMost Gri commands will ignore data points equal to a "missing value." For example, `draw curve ' connects only points which are not equal
(to within 0.01 percent) of the missing value. The curve has holes at
missing data. Initially the missing-value is set to 1.0e22. You may
alter this value with `set missing value .value. '.
The built-in variable `..missingvalue.. ' stores the current value
of the missing-value.
Additionally, Gri will ignore anything it reads that is equal to the
string `
Gri also ignores mathematical operations on data items which are equal to
the missing value. Thus, for example, if your missing value is -99 then
the command `