navigation map

  1: Introduction
  2: Simple example
  3: Invocation
  4: Finer Control
  5: X-Y Plots
  6: Contour Plots
  7: Image Plots
  8: Examples
  9: Gri Commands
  10: Programming
  11: Environment
  12: Emacs Mode
  13: History
  14: Installation
  15: Gri Bugs
  16: Test Suite
  17: Gri in Press
  18: Acknowledgments
  19: License

index.html#Top ListOfGriCommands.html#ListOfGriCommands Gri: `ignore' command Gri: `insert' command index.html#Top Gri: `insert' command

9.3.19: `input'

`input \ps_filename \
  [.xcm. .ycm. \
    [.xmag. .ymag. \

Input the named PostScript file directly into the Gri output PostScript file. (If the filename has punctuation, insert it in double quotes, e.g. `input "../thefile"'.) If no options are specified, the file is input at normal scale, with normal margins. (Aside to PostScript programmers: the named file is sandwiched between `gsave' and `grestore' commands.) If `.xcm.' and `.ycm.' are specified, then the origin is moved to the named location first. If, in addition, `.xmag.' and `.ymag.' are specified, then these are used as scale factors after translation. Finally, if `.rot_deg.' is specified in addition, then the indicated counterclockwise rotation is applied after translation and scaling. Hint: if the results look wrong, the first thing to do is to think carefully about the order of the (translation, scaling, rotation) operations.

navigation map