1: Introduction
2: Simple example
3: Invocation
4: Finer Control
5: X-Y Plots
6: Contour Plots
7: Image Plots
8: Examples
9: Gri Commands
10: Programming
11: Environment
12: Emacs Mode
13: History
14: Installation
15: Gri Bugs
16: Test Suite
17: Gri in Press
18: Acknowledgments
19: License
9.1: Overview of Gri Commands
The Gri commands may be divided roughly into a few categories, as indicated in the following list.
- Working with files:
Commands are `
open ', `close ', `skip ', `read ', and
`rewind '.
- Controlling parameters of the drawn material:
Various `
set ' commands control values of parameters, like size of plot,
linewidth, font, etc.
- Drawing things:
Various `
draw ' commands let you draw data, axes, etc.
- Interacting with the user:
The `
query ' command gets instructions from the user. The
`show ' command displays messages to user.
- Controlling program flow:
The `
if ' statement controls optional execution of commands
(see If Statements). The `while ' statement allows loops.
- Moving around in directories:
The `
pwd ', `cd ' and `ls ' commands do the usual unix
- Using the operating system
The `
system ' command passes instructions to the operating system;
the output may be saved into a synonym by using
`\syn = system ... '. The `get env ' command determines the value of any
unix environment variables the system has defined. For more discussion
(see Operating System).
- Statistical operations:
Some very limited capabilities exist; for example, `
regress ' does
linear regression.
- Mathematical operations:
Simple mathematical manipulation of column, grid, and image data is
provided. Also, wherever Gri expects a number, it will accept a
reverse-polish expression; for example, `
set x size 10 ' could also
be written `set x size {rpn 20 2 /} '. For details
(see Mathematics).