Chapters: 1: Introduction 2: Simple example 3: Invocation 4: Finer Control 5: X-Y Plots 6: Contour Plots 7: Image Plots 8: Examples 9: Gri Commands 10: Programming 11: Environment 12: Emacs Mode 13: History 14: Installation 15: Gri Bugs 16: Test Suite 17: Gri in Press 18: Acknowledgments 19: License Indices: Concepts Commands Variables |
9.2: Command syntaxThe syntax description is enclosed within angled single quotes, optional items are enclosed in square brackets, multiword items are enclosed in curly braces, and vertical bars separate different legitimate choices. For example, the documentation item for the command for drawing contours
indicates that following are legal:
Note that items enclosed in braces must appear in their entirety; for example,
which might look similar `