
File/edit/format toolbar (starts at top of window)

Open file (Ctrl+O)

Save file (Ctrl+S)

Print file (Ctrl+P)

Cut (Ctrl+X):Cut a selection to the clipboard.

Copy (Ctrl+C):Copy a selection to the clipboard.

Paste (Ctrl+V):Paste a selection from the clipboard.

Color selector:Select the color to use for drawing.

Line width selector:Select the line width (in pixels) to use for drawing.

Font face and size selection Select font face and size from these pulldown menus.

When text is being edited, the following buttons appear:

Bold (Ctrl+B): Draw bold text.

Italic (Ctrl+I): Draw italic text.

Underline (Ctrl+U): Draw underlined text.

Superscript (Ctrl+Plus): Superscript text.

Subscript (Ctrl+Minus): Subscript text.

Drawing toolbar (starts at left)

Select tool The select tool is described in the Editing section.

Erase tool Left click to delete highlighted objects. Left clicking on a triple bond reduces it to a dobule bond, also double bond to single bond.

Bond tool Left click and drag to draw bonds. Drag the endpoint of the bond near another endpoint to connect bonds. Draw over existing bonds to create double and triple bonds. Right click on a bond to edit it.

Dashed line tool Left click and drag to draw dashed lines. Drag the endpoint of the bond near another endpoint to connect bonds. Draw over existing bonds to create partial or resonant bonds. Right click on a bond to edit it.

Stereo bond tools Left click and drag to draw stereo bonds. Drag the endpoint of the bond near another endpoint to connect bonds. Right click on a bond to edit it.

Arrow tool Press and hold the tool button to select an arrow style, then left click and drag to draw arrows.

Curved arrow tool Select an arrow style. Left click and drag to draw curved arrows. To draw a Bezier curve, click four times to place four control points. The curve will be drawn along the control points.

Bracket tool Press and hold the tool button to select an bracket or closed figure style, then left click and drag to draw brackets.

Text tool The text tool is described in the Text section.

Ring tool Press and hold the ring tool to open the menu of predefined structures. Select a structure from the menu, then left click to insert into the drawing. Structures marked with a [*] may be attached to another structure by clicking on the atom to attach to.

Symbol tool Press and hold to select a symbol, then left click to place it in the drawing. Newman projections are actually a template for six bonds and the Newman projection symbol, so it is possible to attach text or structures to the Newman projection.

Ring toolbar (position varies depending on screen size)

The ring toolbar provides common rings used in chemical drawings. Allow the mouse to remain over the button and a tool tip will appear identifying the ring. Click on a ring then left click in the drawing to place the ring.

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