File menu
New (Ctrl+N): Create a new, blank XDrawChem window.
Open (Ctrl+O): Open a native XDrawChem file, CML file, or MDL Molfile.
Find on Internet: Search the XDrawChem network database for compounds. Search by CAS number, name, or formula.
Save (Ctrl+S): Save the current document. If it is a new document, you will be prompted for a file name and format.
Save as: Save the document to a new file.
Save picture: Save the current drawing as an image. Use this option to save as EPS (PostScript), BMP (Windows Bitmap), PNG, or SVG.
For UNIX versions:
Import via OpenBabel: Import any file type supported by OpenBabel. OpenBabel cannot read XDrawChem XDC files, use Open (Ctrl+O) for these.
Export via OpenBabel: Not yet implemented. Sorry. :)
Page setup: Specify page size and orientation.
Print (Ctrl+P): Print the current document.
Close (Ctrl+W): Close the current XDrawChem window.
Quit (Ctrl+Q): Close all XDrawChem windows.