# Example 3 -- Controlling scales, etc

# Example of how to control axis scales, etc.  This example makes
# two panels, plotting the same data in different ways.
# ----- PANEL 2 ------------------------------------------------
# Set up the x axis.
# Make the x axis run from 0 to 1, with labelled tics each 0.25. 
set x axis 0   1   .25
# Make the plot 5 cm wide.
set x size 5
# 2 cm of space between the left edge of the plot
# and the left edge of the paper.
set x margin 2
# Give the x-axis the name "t" with subscript 0.
set x name "$t_0$"
# Set up the y axis.
# Make the y axis run from 10 to 20, with labelled tics at intervals
# of 5 and smaller, unlabelled, tics, at intervals of 1.  Other
# commands are similar to those for the x-axis.
set y axis 10 20 5 1
set y size 10
set y margin 2
set y name "F"
# Now, read our simple data set.
open example1.dat
read columns x y
# Draw a curve connecting these (x,y) data.  Note that the axes, as
# defined above, will be drawn automatically along with the curve.
draw curve 

# ----- PANEL 2 -----------------------------------------
# OK, now for a more complicated version.  We'll keep the
# same data, but redraw it in a new panel, to the right of
# the first graph.  So, the first step is to increase the
# x margin.  The rpn command creates a number which is
# the sum of the old x margin (stored in the variable
# ..xmargin..) and the old plot width (stored in
# the variable ..xsize..), plus an extra 1 cm
set x margin {rpn ..xsize.. ..xmargin.. + 1 +}
# Set the line thickness for the curve to 1 point (0.3 mm) and the
# axis line thickness to 0.2 points (0.1 mm).
set line width 1.0		# points
set line width axis 0.2		# points
# Set the tics to be 1.5 mm.
set tic size 0.15		# centimetres
# Draw axes and frame, with axes offset from frame.  Some
# people find this more attractive.
set axes style offset
draw axes 1
# Now draw the actual curve.
draw curve
# Superimpose dots (radius 1.5 mm) at the data.
set symbol size 0.15
draw symbol bullet
# All done.
# Draw a title above the plot.
set font size 20
\label = "Example 3 -- scales, axes, etc"
draw label "\label" centered at \
    {rpn 2 5 + .5 + } \
    {rpn ..ytop.. yusertocm 2 +} cm