FeynmanGraph (FG) ver. 1.00 Copyright (C) 1997 Igor Musatov FG is a tcl/tk -based application for drawing Feynman diagrams for publishing purposes. It was written by I.Musatov, with help from V.Serov. INSTALLATION FG is a tcl/tk -based program, so it does need Tcl and Tk to be installed on your computer. Tcl and Tk are free distributed packages available for most Unix platforms, and usually are included in basic system configurations. For information on how to obtain and install tcl/tk see, e.g., http://www.tcltk.com. FG will work with Tcl 7.6 / Tk 4.2. However, on Black&White X-terminals it should be run with Tcl 7.5 / Tk 4.1 (which makes some functions disabled). In the latter case you won't be able to browse for files to open or save, or to export PostScript, so FG will use fixed file names. To install FG, save the e-mail message without header into the file fg.uu and type at the prompt csh fg.uu or, otherwise, you may uudecode, un-zip and un-tar the text as can be inferred from the script in its beginning. If you have a color X-terminal and Tcl 7.6 / Tk 4.2 are properly installed, the command FG starts the program. Otherwise, you may try to use Fg version for Tcl 7.5 / Tk 4.1 with the command Fg This distribution includes file diag.dia with a few sample diagrams. GETTING STARTED After you have successfully started FG, you may try to draw some objects, using the menu button "Draw Line" or "Draw Arc". To draw a line, choose the type of the line from menu, mark the starting point by clicking left mouse button (" <1> "), drag the cursor to the ending point, and then release the button. The red line shows the position where the line is going to be placed. To actually create it, press the right mouse button ( <3> ), to cancel drawing press the middle button ( <2> ), or to redraw the line, just start drawing with a new starting point. Drawing arcs is a little bit different. After fixing starting and ending points in the way you draw the line in "Draw Line" mode, you will see marks on these points, some auxulary line and a round coursor in the middle of the line. Moving the coursor with <1>, you can set the height of the arc. Then <3> will draw the actual arc line, and again, <2> cancels the "Draw Arc" mode. In general, FG reports what it is doing in the right lower corner of the window borders. TEXT The "Text" menu allows to put some text into the diagram. Before starting new text, you may choose the font. Note, that this option is in some way computer dependent, so if the X-server font set on your computer does not coinside with that used by FG, some fonts may be disabled. See "ADVANCED" for how to correct the problem. To put text, choose "Create Text" and mark with <1> the position of the left upper corner of the future text object. Then the text coursor appears and you may start typing. Text can be multi-line, and there are some editing features. Again, <2> cancels the mode and <3> fixes the object, but <1> will move the text coursor only inside the new text. EDITING The only things you can do to the objects other than text are to move, copy or remove. Anyway, it would be easier to create a new line than to alter the old one. So, if you click <1> on an object, it becomes "Marked" or "Selected" (on color monitors it also changes color). Now, dragging mouse with <1> pressed ( ) will move the object to a new position, <2> will remove and <3> will fix it. Note, that any selected object is immediately copied into internal buffer and replaces any old buffer's content. It is possible to mark all objects in some area, so that they can be moved or copied as a whole. To create an area, mark its corner with simultaneously pressing "Shift" key on the keyboard and right button on the mouse ( ) and then extend it with . When the area is created, you can mark objects inside it with <3>, cancel with <2>, or you may start it over again with . Now the marked objects can be moved together by dragging any of them (or the frame of the area) with or removed with <2>, and <3> will fix all the objects. To paste content of the buffer, press "Shift" key on the keyboard and left mouse button ( ). Objects appear "marked", so they can be moved, deleted or fixed as described before. Texts can be handled in the same way. The only difference is that it is possible to edit the text itself. To start editing text, click <1> on it twice. This invokes a text editor, with some funny features (sorry, I have not programmed moving the text coursor across lines by vertical arrows, so please use horisontal arrows or mouse instead). Exactly as when creating text, <2> cancels the mode and <3> fixes the object, but <1> will move the text coursor only inside the text. FILES The functions "Load Diagram" and "Save", as well as "Create PS", are almost obvious. "Load Picture" and "Load Config" are the parts of the "Advanced" topic and described there. It is possible to create or edit a number of diagrams at a time in the same FG program. All diagrams will be stored into single file by the "Save" (or "Save as...") operation. Also, "Load Diagram" will load all the diagrams from the file, replacing in memory diagrams with the same numbers. To see the new diagram instead of the old one, use "Window - Show Loaded". To see the full list of existing diagrams, use "File - List of Diagrams" (see "List of Diagrams"). Note, that all changes made to the digram are in fact just the changes of the picture. To make FG memorize them, you should tell it "File - Update Current". This FG version does not check that the changes are memorized or saved, so DO NOT FORGET to UPDATE and SAVE a diagram after having edited it. Also, if you say "File - Save" for some diagram, not only the diagramm in that (current) window will be saved, but also all existing in memory (not pictures) diagrams will be stored to the same file. "File - Create PS" creates ps-file of the picture in the current window, with the size and layout of the page exactly as those of the window. So, before creating PS, adjust position of the diagram in the window and the size. In the tcl 7.5 / tk 4.1 version, you cannot browse for file names, so FG will use some standard file names for loading, saving, or for creating PS. The names are reported in the report line in the right lower corner of the window border. The standard names can be changed dynamically (see "Advanced"). WINDOW There are two ways to open a new window: from menu "Window - New Window", and from the box "List of Diagrams". The diagram number in the current window or comment can be changed with button "Diagram # .." (See "Diagram Number"). "File - Update Current" or "Save" will copy current picture to memory, and "Window - Show Loaded" shows in the current window the diagram with corresponding number as it exists in memory. DIAGRAM NUMBER and COMMENT Pressing button "Diagram #" in the lower left corner of the window border enters the dialog, which allows to change the current diagram number and to enter a string of commentary. LIST OF DIAGRAMS The "List of Diagrams" box shows the list of existing diagrams under their nimbers, with comments and with date and time of last update. The lines in the box can be marked with <1>. The line "New Diagram" is to give the opportunity to open a new window for a new diagram. ADVANCED The program was written in the intention to produce the environment which allows to draw pictures with minimal number of "clicks". So it doesn't contain the tools for "tuning" it. However, if you feel you need more functionality, you may try some of the features of the tcl/tk interface. One of the tools is the dinamical configuring the program. "File - Load Config" loads the file feynmang.cnf with a bunch of parameters, and FG will use the new values for further operations. The parameters can be altered in that file with a text editor. For example, you may change the colors of the objects (however, some of new objects will be drawn in the old color, but after an object has been "marked" and then fixed, it will appear in the new color). Parameters of the Gluon, Photon and other lines also can be changed. FG can handle "Photo Image" objects. They can be loaded with "File - Load Picture". Images can be moved, copied or removed as other objects (except they don't change color when selected). However, tcl 7.6 cannot write image in .gif format, so if you really need it, you may use xv or other similar application for the convertion. The configuration file contains also the default file name (it is the fixed name in tcl 7.5 / tk 4.1 version) for loading, saving or for creating PostScript. It can be changed by editing the line set db(DiagDefaultFN) "diag.dia" in the configuration file. In the same way, it is possible to change the fonts. To obtain the list of fonts available on your computer, you may use the program xfontsel. Change names of the fonts to the in the corresponding lines of configuration. COPYRIGHT The right to use, copy, modify and distribute the program and any of its components is hereby granted. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty, express or implied. Send your comments to: musatov@euler.physics.odu.edu I.Musatov Physics Dept. Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529 USA